Food Pantry Days of Operation: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of ea. month: 6:30PM-7:30PM and Thursdays 9 AM-12 PM; picture ID and proof of residency such as utility bill, lease agreement, DHS statement, medical bill, etc… is required on EVERY visit.
We are not zip code specific, so it doesn’t matter where you live in order to receive assistance. Because we help families from all over and do not set distance parameters, you’re eligible to receive food from Highland every 60 days.
Please note, if in case of inclement weather we may not open or close early. Be sure to check the news stations for a list of closings or use your best judgement. If it is snowing or icing or tornado warning, we will not be open.
For additional questions, please contact the church office at 405 794-5432 or
This ministry is provided by means of the donations of the members and friends of Highland.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to this ministry, you may do so online to "food pantry". You can also text 405 294-1113, enter your dollar amount and type “food pantry” and your funds will go directly to this ministry. If you prefer, you may send a check to:
Highland Baptist Church Food Pantry Ministry
2425 SE 4th Street
Moore, OK 73160